Guide on application areas
What possibilities do the ExpertFinder variants offer? Which solution is right for us? To which target group do we belong? Which functions do we need? What benefits do we want to achieve? The following table will help you to find the right solution and the right features for your needs.

ExpertFinder Enterprise

ExpertFinder B2B
Areas of application

- Knowledge management
- Document management
- HR tasks

- Cluster management and network management
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Business development tasks
Target groups
- Companies
- Virtual organisations
- Public administration
- Research or educational establishment
- Clubs
- other complex organisations
- Regional business development
- Groups of companies
- Cluster or network manager
Expected benefits

For my company I would like to...
- foster transparency in the company
- create a cooperative atmosphere among my employees and promote knowledge exchange
- avoid double work
- a search engine for all relevant company documents with filter options (content, date, size, author,...)
- a search engine for knowledge carriers in my organization, which gives information about current knowledge, abilities and activities of the colleagues...
- a search engine that also respects the right to informational self-determination of all employees
- access all relevant company documents from a central place, even if they are stored in different repositories.
- identify trends and potential competence gaps at an early stage
- receive proposals for the formation of project teams
- a tool that does all this largely automatically
- a tool that can be easily and quickly integrated into my IT infrastructure
- a tool that is easy to administer
- a tool that is economical - the savings exceed the expenses

As a responsible person for my economic region, I would like to...
- promote transparency in the region and thus strengthening the competitiveness of my region
- an open search engine for companies, research and educational institutions, associations and public administration in my region
- a search engine that merges and combines profiles from a variety of data sources
- a search engine that provides cool search and filter possibilities beyond the possibilities of large search engines
- a simple and effective CRM tool for my cluster members
- an automated research tool that searches for other potential cluster companies
- identify trends and potential competence gaps at an early stage
- recognize cooperation potentials, form advantageous networks
- a tool that does all this largely automatically
- a tool that can be easily and quickly integrated into my IT infrastructure
- a tool that is easy to administer
- a tool especially designed for regional business development, network and cluster management
Read more about ExpertFinder Enterprise!
Read more about ExpertFinder B2B!